3 Apr 2006

Subconscious vs Concious

I was thinking about the things i do..the things that others define as 'Typical Dark Angel'. and i wondered, how much of my actions is based on what i am, the me without the crowd?

Is there a certain way i would behave or act if the world was oblivious to the behavioural patterns of it's occupants (am regarding the world as the 'always up your ass judge to rep everybody')

Do i act the way i do to defy the societal norms and codes of regulations (defiance) or is that me in another world, regardless?

Is my subconscious telling my conscious that i have to fight to stay at the top,pushing down the tidal waves and waters of behavioral science, to avoid drowning or to simply avoid swimming along like the rest? Am i defying set codes or am i defying uniformity and sameness? Am i trying to be different in a good way, to establish uniqueness, or am i trying to provide the world with a situation to analyze and deal with?


How was your day...it's raining here today....and in case you're wondering, my body temp is FINE!

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