14 May 2008

Weighty Issues

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Los Angeles. I was on business as well as a fact finding mission. I wanted to see the fat people. If Americans (and the rest of the world) come to Africa -read Kenya to see the animals, and in between will always ask for trip down the biggest slum in Africa 'to see how those poor people live' why can't I go to US of A to see those poor obese people?

And so everyday i got out of my hotel room, I would keep my eyes peeled (that taken literally is quite disgusting and painful sounding) for obese people. Why? Because i wanted to know why we have size 0 in America, which also happens to be the country that people proudly walk around in such t-shirts.

I also realized that even Google is denial...when i got this response from my search

Did you mean: Fast relationships

'Nuff said

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